Sex Shouldn’t be a Crime

” Sex Shouldn’t be a Crime ” is a series of Artworks created by the american contemporary artist CLANDESTINE CULTURE . Started in 2013 and exhibited for the first time during the Artist second solo show at the Gregg Shienbaum Fine Art  ” Gallery ” in 2014. This series was elaborated with the use of different mediums like, metal panels , neons , and paint. this series also includes the use of photography , installations and Live performance. The relevance and controversiality of the “Sex Shouldn’t be a Crime ” is due to the emphasis in topics like : Legal Prostitution and Human Sexuality. The Artist is known for his strong social criticism and portrayal of taboo subjects often in a disturbing or controversial way.

Exposure ! … – we need Exposure !

The second time that “Sex Shouldn’t be a Crime” was exhibited, was in 2015. This time a new part of the gallery was choosen, “the window”. The decision to exhibit the work by the window was made in consideration of two extra factors, Exposure and Interaction. These two new elements will add another dimention to the Artwork, and this will give to the Artist the posibiity of using a new medium, Photography.


The Artwork as a performance.

After been exhibited twice in a gallery “Sex Shouldn’t be a Crime” move to the streets. This time there was no gallery or artistic environment surrounding the Artwork, just the Artwork , the streets and the people. Filming and documenting the people’s reaction to a new and not so common object displayed in a public place, gives the Artwork the benefit of being judged not only as a statement but also as a Question ? .
